We Bring innovative solutions to current and future public health problems
Institute of Public Health
Our Story
Our mission is to provide innovative and affordable solutions to today’s major public health challenges.
We are highly qualified and experienced multidisciplinary team of professionals who aspire to provide innovative solutions to today’s prevailing public health challenges. We draw on the experiences and expertise of our team members as well as their extensive global networks.
What We Do
Design innovative public health programs
support their implementation, monitoring and evaluation
professional development programs
Design and deliver continuing professional development programs for medical, nursing, public health and paramedical professionals
Leadership Development
Developing leadership capacity in the health sector.
Acadamic Networking
Facilitating research and academic networking
What we offer, to Making Ethiopian public Better in health
- Designing and delivering short courses on-site and online
- Facilitating student exchange programs
- Designing and facilitating platforms for clinical consultation
- Facilitating research and academic networking
Our Mission & Approach
The Purpose of AFROMED Institute of Public Health (AiPH)is is to strive to bring innovate solutions to current and future public health challenges in Ethiopia with the vision of A health system fully equipped with highly competent and up to date health workers and health leaders. By doing so we Facilitate continuous professional development